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Iterambere - Project Entrepreneurship

Current areas of intervention:

Gatumba (Rural Bujumbura) and Buhiga (Karuzi Province)


Current number of direct beneficiaries:

  • 1285 youth and women divided in 49 VSLAs

  • Over 100 income generating activities have been initiated by the VSLAs


Project costs:

  • Per beneficiary:

    • US$ 15 for 400 SMS

    • US$ 30 for the other teaching materials (brochures and videos)

  • US$ 150 to connect our SMS platform to the Internet.


You can get involved by:


  • Sponsoring the project.

  • Volunteering.


The "Iterambere" initiative - meaning "development" in Kirundi, aims to promote entrepreneurship and strengthen financial literacy and independence. The program was inspired by a previous partnership with CARE International and more specifically the "Nawe Nuze" approach ("join us" in Kirundi), which is based on the creation of village associations (VSLA) that encourage people to save and then mutually lend each other money. These associations, which are fully managed by the villagers themselves, have helped the disadvantaged to have access to capital investment, and in some cases they have led to the establishment of small businesses.


We facilitate the creation of VSLAs in our areas of intervention, provide free space for the groups to meet at our Community Centres, and facilitate and guarantee connections to microfinance/banking institutions, suppliers, markets, tax collectors, insurance companies and other services they may need. Since individual support is necessary, Sacodé uses the SMS approach to educate our beneficiaries in financial management and business management. We supplement these lessons with information on reproductive and sexual health and family planning, because we believe that good health is the foundation of any success. We are the only organization in Burundi that uses SMS, very effective in terms of results. We can reach all our beneficiaries quickly and in real time, and they have the opportunity to participate directly (and for free) by asking individual questions, in privacy, at all times. In addition, each month we organize field visits to meet our beneficiaries.

Project Impact


Young People and Women can support themselves daily through incom-generating activities

9/27/22, 9:10 AM


Iterambere News

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