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Jacqueline Nshimirimana

Jacqueline, a resident of Gitwenzi Hill in Ruhororo, is not just a member of the VSLA Mukenyezi jijuka turwanye ubukene, but a testament to the transformative power of family planning. Married and a mother of five, Jacqueline faced considerable challenges with limited financial resources and health issues during her pregnancies that prevented her from working.

The family planning sessions were a revelation. Learning about and choosing a contraceptive method gave me control over my life. I can now engage in daily activities and pursue income opportunities to support my family without the constant worry of another pregnancy.

Aziza Kakunze

Aziza Kakunze, a 28-year-old from , has also experienced significant changes thanks to the Hinduka uhindure abandi project. As a mother of three and a regular visitor to the Health Centre in Gatumba, Aziza highlights the benefits of family planning education:

Discovering the injectable contraceptive (DMPA) allowed me to effectively plan the births of my children. My children are healthy, and I’m able to provide for them confidently. With our decision to have no more children, my husband and I can focus on giving them the best start in life. I urge all women to seek out family planning information—it's crucial for family well-being.


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